Portfolio Analysis
We can structure your patent portfolio by either creating a new taxonomy based on relevant technology domain or updating your existing classification structure. This would help in identifying key assets and preparing assets for licensing or sale in emerging technology domains.
Target Searching
Based on the claims, we can identify a pool of infringing products for your patent portfolio. Classifying claims on a scale of usage parameters allows us to identify highly probable infringed claims.
Evidence of use Analysis
We help you understand how closely patent claims may cover a commercialized product owned by a prospective buyer or licensee. We experiment with infringing products for use case scenarios and create strong patent to product maps for proving infringement.
Validity/Invalidity analysis
Once you are aware of your key patents and the competing products that could be reading on your claims, we will take you through the validity analysis to make your claims foolproof. The process would include detailed specification map preparation and prosecution history analysis followed by extensive prior art searching for each valuable claim.